Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where are all the artists?

Where are all the artists? Come one, come all, lets see those fast sketches, please. Just won't take you long to do. Isn't that important? That's a good thing in these days of being so busy you haven't time to relax. Until now, with this opportunity to 'show your stuff' !

As I've said before, if the sketch is really good, that is, really accurate, neat and clean, then you are not doing it emphatically. So there is nothing to fear from your peers. We'll publish it with your contact information if you so desire. What have you to lose? sheesshhhhh. - Sam Chinkes

1 comment:

  1. In my plea, above, for artists and in my haste, I mispelled the word: empathetically, who wouldn't? When I discovered the error, I was unsuccessful in trying to correct it. I've told you all that I am not the computer guru. Sam Chinkes
